Senin, 25 September 2017

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Research and Information Including Symptoms and Treatments

What is primary pulmonary hypertension? The best place to start is the pulmonary arteries. These arteries move the blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs for oxygen.. When people have high blood pressure specifically in the pulmonary arteries, they have pulmonary hypertension.
This could be an extremely rare side-effect of Pondimin and Redux. The connection, however, has not been proven and more studies are needed to discover if this is in fact the case.

Primary pulmonary hypertension can lead to a failure of the right side of the heart as well as an inhibited ability to exercise.

Symptons include some basic signs such as shortness of breath, fainting or syncope, fatigue, and angina pectoris.

If arterial pressure becomes higher than 25 mmHg, pulmonary hypertension almost certainly exists. Normal pressure of someone living at sea level is only 12-16 mmHg. A Swan-Ganz catheter can measure this accurately.

Primary pulmonary hypertension occurs without an obvious cause. Secondary pulmonary hypertension comes because of another disease. If the case is pph, it is considered to be a genetic disorder. It can be associated with appetite suppressants like Fen-phen. There was even a lawsuit about Fen-phen (Abenhaim et al, 1996). There could be a genetic weakness to problem drugs, the basic cause of the disease is not known. You can find more about this at my site at []

PPH can often be fatal and people who have it usually do not show symptoms until they are in their late twenties or early thirties. Fortunately, it's still a rare problem, however women are almost twice as susceptible to it as men.

Treatment can vary depending on the cause of primary pulmonary hypertension. Oxygen therapy can be useful if patients have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. An inferior vena caval filter insertion or a pulmonary endarterectonmy can be done if the PPH is caused by chronic thromboembolism.

Lifestyle changes are key to lessening the effects of PPH. Digoxin, diuretics, oral anticoagulands and vasodilators are also beneficial. Sildenafil can also be used to treat primary pulmonary hypertension.

Senin, 11 September 2017

The Hypertension And Exercise Connection

Every cell in an individual's body requires an ongoing supply of blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients and to remove waste products. This flow of blood causes a certain amount of pressure to be exerted on the wall of a person's arteries.

An individual suffers from Hypertension when blood pressure is determined to be or exceeding

a)140 mm Hg (millimetres of mercury) systolic (as the heart contracts and pushes blood through the arteries) or

b)90 mm Hg diastolic (as the heart relaxes and fills with blood)
on two or more separate occasions.

The primary factor of high blood pressure is that it makes the heart work harder and puts greater pressure on the arteries than is necessary. As a result the heart may become enlarged and less efficient, and the arterial walls may be damaged. Such damage can reduce the flow of blood and oxygen to the kidneys, heart, brain, and eyes, and can lead to blood clots in the narrowing arteries.

It is hardly surprising then that Hypertension ranks as the most common risk factor for disease of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys, including heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and atherosclerosis. In fact, high blood pressure has been found to contribute to millions of deaths per year worldwide.

This is of particular concern considering that hypertension can be controlled and even prevented.

Factors that can help prevent hypertension, or at least reduce its severity or postpone it include some very basic dietary and lifestyle steps:

Consume less salt (sodium and potassium products), maintain desirable body weight, moderate the consumption of alcohol and caffeine, increase calcium intake, engaging in relaxation techniques and most importantly become physically active.

While drug therapy has been considered to be the most effective form of treating high blood pressure, regular exercise has proven to have a lowering effect on systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It is a very safe and valuable therapy for many hypertensive individuals and has many additional applications to a healthy and active life. A correctly designed exercise program may be as effective as any drug therapy for some people.

Research shows that low to moderate intensity (60-80% of MHR) aerobic exercise can lower systolic blood pressure by 5-25 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 3-15 mm Hg in mild to moderate hypertensive individuals.

When using exercise as a mode of managing hypertension, follow these key steps:

*Emphasise non weight-bearing activities, as most hypertensives are obese or elderly.

*Maintain exercise intensity below 80% MHR. Evidence exists that exercise intensity above this does not produce beneficial effects on blood pressure.

*Ensure exercise duration lasts a minimum of 20-30 minutes. Allow for adequate progression up to 60 minutes-which will also help promote weight loss.

*Exercise at least four times per week (although exercising everyday is preferable. An acute bout of exercise will reduce blood pressure for several hours.

*Warm up for no less than 5 minutes to ensure an appropriate preparation for the cardiovascular system. This ensures no sudden changes in blood pressure.

*Cool down for 5-10 minutes to prevent dizziness, light-headedness and fainting.

*Strength exercises should be prescribed at a low-moderate intensity. You must be able to perform 12-20 repetitions. Avoid exercises that require lifting weights above the head ie. Shoulder press.

It was thought that only aerobic exercise would reduce blood pressure and that resistance training with weights would be harmful. However recent studies have concluded that resistance and aerobic exercise are equally effective in reducing the severity of the condition.

Lowering systolic blood pressure by a mere 2 mm Hg has shown to reduce deaths from stroke by 6%, heart disease by 4% and all causes by 3%. Furthermore, a drop in diastolic blood pressure of as little as 1-3 mm Hg can lower the overall incidence of hypertension in the general public by more than 20-50%.

Hypertension is both treatable and preventable. At Fitcorp Asia, we can design and show you the most effective and safest exercise program to reduce your blood pressure and put you back on track to a healthy and active life.

As a health and fitness professional for over 10 years, Daniel has personally trained more than 4000 people, on 4 continents towards the achievement of their fitness and lifestyle objectives using his unique holistic and functional approach to lifestyle enhancement. Daniel is a true leader and innovator in the industry. Daniel draws from an academic background in Human Movement, Exercise Science and Sports Management in Australia & also holds a Diploma in Massage Therapy & Certificates in Workplace Health Promotion, Personal Training (ACSM) and Australian Training for Fitness Professionals (ATP), Golf Fitness & Conditioning, Postural Analysis, Weight Management & Fat Loss.